I've discovered that my blog has become pretty boring. I am just having a hard time coming up with things to post, which is funny because it's not like exotic things were happening in my life last month, I just seemed to pick up on different things. And I think I've figured out the problem. I work from home, and my job is very boring. Very boring. I mean really really boring. I can't complain because I get paid pretty well to do it, but it is really mindless work. Data updating. I do a lot of cutting and pasting to find things and then change them. I'm glad it's only part time, because I think I would go absolutely crazy if I had to do this 40 hours per week. Anyway, there is just something about filling your time with tedium that sucks all the creative juices out of you. Or at least that is how it works for me. Because, really, I do see funny things from time to time. I read the paper, I go to the store, I have a walking buddy, I'm doing stuff. But by the time I've finished working for the day, it's all left me and all I can think of is, "Today I updated 84 records! And I saw one from Bulgaria!" And nobody wants to hear about that. I don't even want to hear about that. So, sorry about the lack of excitement here. I've made a goal to improve that.
Maybe I need a snarfblat to get me going (that is in reference to the title).
Big Little Lies
35 minutes ago
I'm so proud of myself for actually understanding that reference!
Anyway, boring stuff is why I haven't posted that much either. Just work stuff. Who wants to hear about my year-end report to DWR?
Work really can drain the creative juices and I can definitely vouch for you that your particular job is of the worst kind of boring. At least now you can understand why I have always had a lack of fulfillment at my place of work. I would like to say though, you do make a lot of people's lives at Novell a lot easier. Does that make you feel any better? Probably not.
Well, I guess it makes it somewhat better knowing that I am helping people. Really, the fact that it's not 40 hours a week is largest redeeming feature.
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