I figured that I should post a picture of the adorable Adelaide Nicole Millar so that those who aren't on Brett or Sabrina's email list could see how very cute she is. This is my favorite picture they sent, she's just so beautiful! And Clark and I have taken to calling her Adie Nicoca Cola. It really rolls off the tongue, don't you think?
Karen, if your baby comes on the 11th, Clark will allow her to be his namesake. I believe Clarketta is the name of choice. I bet you hadn't considered that one before! I have to admit though, Nicoca Cola is a pretty cool name itself!
She's so adorable! Good job, Brett and Sabrina!
Karen's baby is aiming for my birthday, clearly. No one elses baby has shown such consideration. I like her's best already.
Karen, if your baby comes on the 11th, Clark will allow her to be his namesake. I believe Clarketta is the name of choice. I bet you hadn't considered that one before! I have to admit though, Nicoca Cola is a pretty cool name itself!
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