Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Another Solicitation

I love pie. Apple pie, cherry pie, pumpkin pie, banana cream pie, berry pie, just about every kind of pie. And I really love pie crust. Mmmmmm. . . . tasty. Unfortunately, I have to resort to buying pie crust at the store, because I don't really know how to make a good crust. The 1 recipe I have did NOT turn out well the one and only time I made it. And it's not that pie crust from the store is bad, but I am sure I would save money if I learned how to make it on my own. Actually, I don't make pie very often. Mostly that is because I'd have to go out and make a special trip to buy the pie crust from the store. Then I start thinking about how I shouldn't, about how we'd save money and be healthier if we just didn't have pie, and so it doesn't happen. But pie is so good! And I do want it! Anyway, the point is I'd like to have a good pie crust recipe, so if any of you have one, send it my way.


Adam Lowe said...

If you like pie, you should totally watch the movie Waitress.

Pregnant Miserable Self-Pitying Loser Pie: “Lumpy oatmeal with fruitcake mashed in. Flambé, of course...”

alisquire said...

Here's the recipe my mom uses:

Cut in 1 1/4 c. Crisco with 3 c. flour and 1 t. salt. Combine 1 egg (well beaten), 5 T. cold water, and 1 T. vinegar. Enough for 2 pies. If you're not fond of Crisco like me, try this recipe:

Mix 1 1/4 c. flour and 1/4 t. salt; cut in 1/2 c. butter (chilled and diced). Stir in 1/4 c. ice water, 1 T. at a time. Refrigerate for 4 hours before rolling out. Enough for 1 9-in. pie.

I struggle with dough, so I have trouble making it look good. Plus, I never tend to roll it out enough, so it's always thick. But it tastes good! The Crisco makes it flakier, but the butter gives it a nice flavor.

Porters said...

I love pie too.I almost wish I didn't read this because now I want it. :) But I do have a really good recipe, I will email it to you after I get it from home. :)