Today we went to the doctor for Julia's 6 month check up. Everything looks fine and dandy. She doesn't have teeth yet, but we got a toothbrush and a prescription for fluoride drops for when she does.
I asked the doctor if she had any suggestions on what we should do about Julia's extreme hate of all cereals on spoons. She said we should try a vegetable. Any suggestions on which vegetable, dear readers? I think we might try the cereal again, play around with consistencies. Even though she hates it. At this point, I think she's developed an aversion to the spoon, so I doubt anything will taste better to her. I guess maybe we'll get a new spoon. The doc said, "You know, you can't breastfeed forever, kid. You've got to grow up sometime." Persistence, my friends. Persistence.
Julia was much happier about the doctor this time, she let her check everything out, and even "talked" to her. And she demonstrated her hate of long skinny things in her mouth with the tongue depressor. Of course, the shots were not fun, but she was only sad for about a minute, and then she was just fine.
But on to what everyone really wants to see, the stats!
Weight = 16 lbs 15 oz (69%)
Length = 25.49 inches (39%)
Head Circumference = 16.8 inches (59%)
So she's still chubby, but not quite as much. And she's shorter. Short, fat baby. I like it :)
Big Little Lies
1 hour ago
I think some kids are just not ready for solids till later anyway. The soonest I started any of my kids on any form of solids was about 8 mos, and I had pretty good results. We found that oatmeal is usually better liked, and we'll pour part of a jar of fruit in with it. All my kids actually liked the veggies alot, especially squash and carrots. I'd try those first. :) She may not breastfeed forever, but she's obviously doing just fine! :)
I vote for squaaash. And yeah...with those stats I don't think you have too much to worry about. It doesn't seem like she's wasting away quite yet.
Whatever you try, remember to to keep a variety and not the same of one thing for too long, especially Carrots... why? Too much can turn your nose/skin orange! True storry, it happened to me when I was a baby. I was very similar to Julia and had a hard time transitioning to solids. Carrots worked... for the longest time they were the only solid that worked period... so my mom fed me carrots! Well... one day she noticed my nose was orange! Tried to wash it off and it didn't. Lo and behold it was a build-up of Carotene, which while completely harmless, made me change colors and meant I had to have other color foods other than orange/yellow! :) Good luck!
Timothy turned orange too!
My babies all loved squash. None of them had a problem with green beans, peas or carrots, either. I tried to introduce one veggie, then a fruit, then a veggie, then a fruit, just 'cause I knew the fruits were yummier and I didn't want them to get too used to the yummy sweetness and decide not to like boring old peas. But at the same time, Julia is sure to let you know what she is willing to eat!
My kids liked applesauce and bananas. (not mixed together) Still do.
Aunt Jo Ann
Wow that is nuts that she is already that old. Hailey loves peas. She ate only those for a long long time. Good luckw iht trying differnet foods. She is so cute and I am glad the videos are back! Loved the house too. Its so cute I bet you are totally loving it!
Well, everyone has already said squash, which would be my recommendation as well. You could also try sweet potatoes. Adie was a big fan of those. If she won't do a spoon, you could also try buying bottle nipples that are made for cereal and add a little cereal to the milk just to get her more used to it and maybe eventually she'll want the cereal enough she'll try a spoon. Who knows though. Each kiddo has a different preference.
Yay for fat baby! The fat on a baby is actually the stuff that develops their brain. So... keep feeding her!
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