Tuesday, September 09, 2008

The Awesomeness

I am awesome, my friends. At least for the second half of today. The first half, not so awesome. We had a small accident here involving Julia and falling and me feeling like the most terrible parent in the world, but she is ok, and I think I've definitely learned from the experience: Julia is now a mover. Never leave her unattended where she can get in trouble. That means she's only allowed to be in her crib or on the floor downstairs without constant supervision. ("Constant vigilance!!") But like I said, she's ok, in fact she only cried for about a minute and then she calmed down.

But on to the awesomeness. This is what I did today (get ready for the ugly flower bullets [which appear even when I specifically want numbers, but whatever]):
  1. Went to the post office because suddenly our mail key doesn't work. Turns out they had changed the lock on the wrong mail box, and so we got some new keys. They were very apologetic. And when I came home to check the mail, Julia got a new book! (as part of a book exchange)
  2. Found a Hitchcock DVD at the library that I don't think we've seen before: "The Lady Vanishes." I do love a good Hitchcock movie.
  3. Stopped at Smith's and got some Hunt's pasta sauce (75 cents per can! That's a good price!)
  4. Called the IHC billing department about a bill I recently received. It was for some obstetrical care, and I don't mind paying it, but I had paid the OB monthly throughout the pregnancy so that I wouldn't have a huge bill after she was born. I wondered if it was some above and beyond charge. Turns out it wasn't, they just hadn't credited my account yet, and in fact we'll probably be getting a reimbursement check from them soon.
  5. And then there is the biggest most awesome part of the day. I went to Albertsons. I bought 2 personal pizzas, 2 boxes of granola bars, 9 boxes of cereal, 2 cans of Pillsbury crescent rolls, 4 six-packs of yogurt, 3 boxes of hamburger helper, 3 boxes of tuna helper, 5 boxes of toaster streudel, and 3 tubes of toothpaste. I spent $28.37. Not too shabby, if you ask me. My favorite part is looking at the "coupons tendered" part of the reciept (which includes savings from the store's sale and coupons from manufacturer: $90.08. Wowzer! Isn't that awesome? If you really want to know how I did it, ask me about it.
And there you have it. I guess most of that stuff isn't terribly exciting, but I was thrilled about my grocery shopping experience. And about not having to pay a doctor's bill. And about possibly getting money back from the doctor. WOOT!


Greg * Steph * Andrew said...

Wow! I'm glad you got your mail box figured out! I am very impressed at the saved $40. Maybe I need to go with you next time and see if there is something I am not doing. You are awesome!

Alex said...

Whoa... seriously? 90 bucks?!?! Um... how did you do that? Please, teach me oh coupon guru!!!

Cheryl said...

Nice on the IHC bill (I HATE IHC!) Super grocering! And PS: all parents have a 'I let my baby fall off the ____' story! Many just don't publicize it...so don't feel so bad!

Nadine said...

funny you should mention julia's fall because i posted a similar story today on my blog. don't worry, apparently we're not the only ones. nearly everyone that commented said it had happened to them at some point. and way to go on the grocery shopping. definitely a lot of awesomeness going on over there.

Megan D. said...

Don't you love those days where everything goes just right? You are awesome. :)