Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Crash Hot Potatoes

Now, I haven't tried it yet, so I can't say how it tastes, but this looks so yummy (and easy), I had to share.

Crash Hot Potatoes

If any of you try it before I do, let me know what you think.

Note: I will not be serving this with an iceberg wedge. Or with a steak. Do you realize that I've never cooked a steak in my whole entire life? Something about a huge hunk of beef sits wrong with me. All I can think is, "I'm eating a cow's muscle. I'm eating a cow's muscle." Gross.


Sabrina said...

Looks delicious. I love that website. She is hilarious and has great food.

W.L.Platt said...

I made a similar recipe a few months ago, using the really tiny white potatoes (fingerlings?). The recipe was called, "Smashed Potatoes." We all loved them! This recipe looks like a keeper.

erin said...

That's odd. I have a similar train of thought, yet arrive at the complete opposite conclusion: "I'm eating a cow's muscle. I'm eating a cow's muscle. Yum!"