Thursday, December 06, 2007

Old Slippers = Bad

As I wrote how grateful I was for new slippers, I realized that I never blogged about my near-death experience. OK, let's not be dramatic, it was more like a near-injury experience. I woke up one morning (this was probably a little over a week ago), and put on my cozy old slippers to go downstairs. One step, two step, slip! THUD THUD THUD THUD THUD THUD! CRASH! BOOM! I'm not even kidding, these were the noises. Turns out my old slippers are, in fact, slippery, and so rather than my feet gripping the stairs as I was going down them, I slid down on my butt. I was actually just fine, lots of padding on my butt I suppose. But somewhere in the course of my fall, I must have hit the wall, which caused the clock to fall off, which hit a picture frame on the way down, which fell on the floor. That was the crash and boom. Clark had just gotten out of the shower. Imagine his dismay when he hears such a clatter! (And he knows it's not reindeer on the roof!) I immediately started crying. Let me remind you, I was absolutely fine, I don't think I even got a bruise from it, but it startled me quite a bit. Especially the crash and the boom. In the end, the picture frame didn't even break, everything was fine and dandy. And a few days later I got a Christmas package in the mail from my mom - 2 new pairs of slippers, with plenty of traction. All's well that ends well.

1 comment:

Clark said...

You forgot the tinkling of the bells at the bottom of the stairs that you hit.