We've been pretty busy around here, what with chasing after Julia, Relief Society activities, speaking in church, and choirs. So I'm playing catch-up with this little post. I've taken a bunch of videos lately, but I just haven't gotten around to posting them. Thank you, One True Media, for the powers of the montage. The first clip is an actual shot of her crawling, proving that she can indeed do it, she just has to be properly motivated. Next we have her latest new skill: giving me "five." I try to give her the chance to do it with either hand, but she simply prefers her right hand, much to Clark's dismay. And finally, we've found another solid food she'll eat: Go-gurt. Not yogurt on a spoon, no no. Has to be go-gurt in a tube. I was eating one last week, and she kept eying it and reaching for it, so I gave her a sample. She was hooked. I think she'd eat the whole tube, if I let her. This proves once again that she doesn't hate food, she hates spoons. Which is difficult when she can't really chew. It's a work in progress, hopefully she'll be eating regular food before she goes to Kindergarten.
And because everyone likes pictures of tubby time:
A Happy New Year with the Prince Family
19 hours ago