I've been tagged - TWICE! I guess I've got some catching up to do. So we'll start with Alex's tag.
10 Years Ago:
Let's see. . . 10 years ago I was 16, and at this time of year (maybe a little later) I was probably trying out for all sorts of fun things in preparation for an awesome senior year - A'Capella, Ensemble, Dance Co, Songleading. Lots of fun to be had. Even for social rejects like me :)
Snacks I Enjoy:
This is an ever changing list, especially with this whole pregnancy thing. Currently I am on a White Chocolate Raspberry Yogurt kick. I also have an orange, a bagel, and cream of wheat just about every day. Wow, that makes me sound so healthy. I also like dry ramen noodles, cheese crackers (Goldfish, Cheez-Its, Cheese Nips, Better Cheddars, you name it), and most everything chocolate.
5 Things On My To-Do List:
-Vacuum the couch
-Doctor's appointment at 11:30
-Doctor's appointment at 1 (February is the month of doctors visits for me)
-Go for a walk
-Make the bed (wow, I'm pretty boring)
Things I would do if I were suddenly made a billionaire:
-Pay tithing
-Buy a house
-Pay off our car
-Get another new car
-Go on a cruise (of course, this would have to be sometime in the months following Wombsly's birth)
-Buy lots of new clothes!
-Buy a dresser for ourselves
-Put a whole bunch in savings
-Oh, and probably try to find some good charity work. I guess I don't look into that sort of stuff as often as I should, seeing as we don't have billions of dollars.
3 of my bad habits:
-Being terrified of the phone. This is why I never call any of you - I get so nervous for some reason. I don't even call Cafe Rio anymore, I just order online.
-I bite my nails when I'm nervous. And sometimes when I'm not. But I'm trying to be better!
-I'm in a constant state of worry. Just ask Clark.
5 places I have lived:
-Salt Lake City
-St George
-Um, that's it. I guess I've lived in different apartments in Provo. Woo.
Jobs I have had:
-Exercise Specialist
-Secretary of the BYU Cancer Research Center
-Receptionist at a Ballet Studio
Things people don't know about me:
-I cry. A lot. A lot a lot. And yet since I've been pregnant, I've probably only cried a handful of times, and most of those were because I couldn't stand being sick anymore, which I think is somewhat understandable.
-I have contacts/glasses, and yet I still can't see very well. Clark is constantly having to read things for me - signs, menus at fast food restaurants, subtitles on the TV (don't worry, we don't watch many foreign films). I've told Clark before that if he saw what I saw when I'm driving at night, he'd probably never let me behind the wheel past dark.
Yeah, we're going to stop there, since my next task will be to think of 6 quirky things about myself, and we don't want to use all our good ideas on one post, now do we?
As for tagging other people. . . I'll tag Clark (because I don't expect him to ever be tagged anywhere else [and I have even lower hopes for him actually doing this]). And Michael Scott. Because I think we'd all like to know what he's up to these days. (Stupid writers strike.)
Big Little Lies
30 minutes ago
PS speaking of apartments in Provo...remember our dungeon? Oh the days!
Oh wow, how could I forget? When all those boys who served missions in 3rd world countries would come over and say, "Oh, this reminds me of my mission!" That's a bad sign.
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