- Phil was actually better than he usually is. I didn't find myself wincing as he hit wrong notes, he was just a lot more on tune. Good job.
- Lakisha was actually worse than she usually is. I found myself wincing as she hit wrong notes, which she normally doesn't hit. She is a fantastic singer, though. I agree with the judges, she needs to pick better songs.
- Melinda = amazing. Seriously. Nate, I don't know how you can say you hate her, because she is by far the best singer in this competition. By FAR.
- Blake is another favorite of mine, but I just hated him last night. He sounded terrible. The judges all praised him, but I have no clue why. But he is well loved, so he'll be safe.
- Jordin pulled out a stellar performance. You know, I've known this whole time that she was good, but I've had some issues with her styling. But last night, she was fantastic. I'm becoming a much bigger fan, these days.
- Sanjaya? Yeah, I really don't like the fact that he is still on the show, but I have resigned myself to the fact that he is going nowhere. He sucked. Nuff said.
- Chris R. gets the "Worst Performance of the Night" award. Just terrible all around. His biggest problem is he sounds too pinched and nasaly. He also gets "Best Quote From the Night," and perhaps even "Best Quote of the Season." Yes, he did in fact say, "Nasal is a form of singing." HA! I'm laughing. Out loud. What a ridiculous thing to say! I'm still laughing. At least he provided some entertainment with that statement alone.
Big Little Lies
8 hours ago
I absolutely agree with your assessment 100%. I thought Phil, Jordin and Melinda had awesome performances. I could have really done without the rest of them though. Blake was definitely underwhelming, and I don't know what performance of his Randy and Paula were listening to. Sanjaya was worse than normal, which is saying a lot. Maybe he should pursue a career in Latin ballads.
Sanjaya, Sanjaya, has set our world on faya. I agree with ya, hated LaKisha Chris and Sanjaya, and Blake was pretty crappy too, which made me sad. See, Simon hit the nail on the head with Melinda. I would like her more if she wouldn't give me such idiot looking faces every time the judges like what she does. I'm still for a Jordin/Blake/Melinda top 3.
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