Yesterday there were a bunch of dead leaves blowing into our yard, and I ached for autumn.
All you people who adore summer. . . . please remind me what is so good about it? I'm hot, and we've got a long ways to go before I don't want to take 3 showers a day due to all the sweat, we can go outside after 8am without yearning for the AC, and we can open the windows at night.
This is a serious request. What do you love about summer?
Cruising the Mexican Riviera
2 days ago
Camping. Vacations. Ceiling fans on high. Popsicles.
Do you hate summer - or just summer where you live?
Because there are lots of things to love about summer where its a little more pleasant (I guess my question is whether or not you liked summer when you lived up north - or is this a location-based issue).
Mostly I hate summer where I live, though I don't think it was my favorite season up north, either. Well, except for the no school thing. I was always a big fan of that.
No school was always nice, yes. I didn't mention that my favorite thing about summer is swimming/boating (waterskiing, wakeboarding, tubing, etc.) and hiking. Up here in the north, both activities are usually more fun in the summer.
I love not being so scheduled, you'll appreciate that when you have kids in school. And I love swimming with my kids, but love it even more with my friends and their kids. And I am soooo cold all winter, even in Texas winter, that I just like being warm enough to not have to wear 3 or 4 layers to be warm. I'd guess I'd rather be sweating and hot than shivering. But mostly, that first reason.
We're always amazed when people ask us things like "what are you doing for the summer?" or something to that effect. Um . . . we're doing the same things we did all the rest of the year. Clark still works, Shannon still takes care of Julia and the house. Many of our vacations or adventures are scheduled to NOT happen in the summer: trips to Zion, Grand Canyon, Arches, etc. Until Julia enters school, we might as well travel when places are more pleasant and less crowded.
And eating tomatoes that taste like tomatoes! (Do you eat tomatoes?)
And the sun light. Not necessarily all the heat, but the glorious light.
It makes me wonder what on earth convinced us that it was time to go see K.C.'s family in AZ... in the middle of JULY?! I always think that I'm going to die outside here, then I get there...(where they don't have the air conditioning on, and mom runs the heater in the car...) wow. Even though it's way too hot here, it's at least better than that!
... Speaking of swimming I still want to go. And I want to do something for Meg. This time for reals instead of just good intentions. :) I don't know what but something!
I am not really a fan of any extreme weather, but as other said, the great things about summer are swimming, boating, river rafting, etc. I also feel like it's a little less restrictive than winter (again, if you are talking about the more extreme seasons). You don't have to worry about driving in the snow. I really hate driving in the snow. Also, you don't have to bundle up to go outside. It's just easier to get out and about, even if it isn't fun to be in the scorching heat. I do appreciate a good number of snow activities as well. I'd just prefer to visit those cold spots for short amounts of time and then return to a place where I don't have to deal with snow on a daily basis. Anyway, I am actually all for all four seasons. However, I'd prefer if winter and summer were each about 1 or 2 months long and the rest of the time we had spring / fall weather. I guess that's why living on the Cali coast is so desirable.
On an unrelated note, yes, please come camp w/ us in Sedona this fall! It would be so much fun (with more temperate weather to boot!)
Summer used to be my absolute favorite. No school (like you said), warm weather and sunshine, and the nights were the best. Now, not so much. The kids don't sleep as much because the sun sets late and rises early. I can't tolerate heat as well as I used to. And where we live, the mosquitoes come out at night like mad. I think Spring could be my favorite if we actually had Spring in Utah!
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