Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Things to do before I'm 30: Update

Remember how I had all sorts of goals to meet before I turn 30 next year? I really should find 30 things to do before I'm 30, that would be poetic wouldn't it. Anyway, I just had to mention that I
  • finished the Old Testament (THANK GOODNESS, after 5 years it was getting a little embarrassing)
  • unpacked Anna Karenina the other day (that is one thick book. . . better get started now)
  • live 2 hours from the Canadian border (!!!)
  • and will basically have to give up on learning the William Tell Overture. Our piano made the trek across the country, and is now firmly planted in our garage because the movers couldn't get it up the stairs. They mentioned maybe they'd get some piano movers to try and get it up there, but no one has called us back yet. Since we will be in this apartment until at least June, I don't think I'll be getting much practice time in.
I'm going to have to put a little more effort into creating this 30 by 30 list. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Celeste said...

Sad that you're piano is in the garage! That certainly would make it hard to practice! I think you're 30 by 30 list is a great idea!