One might say that the Blockburgers have been busy this past week. I would call that an understatement.
Julia survived her first vacation! She did so well with all the hustle and bustle, and she slept most of the time in the car. Let's have a little run-down (OK, there is nothing "little" about this, it's very long, so read at your own risk):
After a crazy morning at church (courtesy of all our callings), we came home, packed up the car, and headed up to the Salt Lake Valley. Julia had to stop twice for feedings, once in Beaver and once in Provo, but other than that she was a real trooper, and didn't complain at all. We headed to the Blockburger residence to drop off Grandma Stewart, and to have dinner and visit. Julia got to meet Aunt Suzanne, and we even remembered to take a picture:

After that we headed over to visit Clark's Grandma Marty, and we snapped a 4 generation picture:

It was nice to visit with her and her husband Jim, and I was really glad they got to meet Julia. Jim is 100 years old, so who knows how much longer he'll be around. And when you've lived 100 years, you've seen a lot of stuff, which is why I love to visit with him, he's always got stories to tell.
After that, we headed over to the Andersons' new house, which is
beautiful. Here is the outside of the house:

Seriously, I love it, and I loved staying there for the week. And let me just say that the piano sounds so good in that house, it gives me chills. Now I want a piano, but alas, the budget won't allow. But in any event, we arrived pretty late Sunday night, and went to bed.
I took Clark to the airport in the morning. As a side note, he took the camera with him, so all pictures in the rest of this post are courtesy of my mom. After we got him off, we had a busy day of running errands, having lunch at Jamba Juice (can you believe that they don't have a Jamba Juice in St George?), and cleaning the house in preparation for the evening's festivities. Oh, and of course feeding Julia. That takes up a lot of time. Monday night we had the Hurst clan over for FHE, so they could see the new house and the new baby. I love my mom's family, so I was really happy to see everyone that came out. And I think Julia liked to see all the new faces, even if it did get a little overwhelming near the end. We also snapped a 4 generation picture with my grandma:

"Four generations of red-heads," as my grandma says. Of course, who knows what color Julia's hair will end up being, but I'm thinking there is a real chance it could be red. This makes me happy.
Tuesday was a little more low-key. We went shopping for a blessing dress (and found one!), and spent most of the day just hanging out. Grammie (that would be my mom) got lots of Julia time in. Oh, and I watched American Idol by myself. Which is actually pretty normal, courtesy of the Young Men activities. Oh, and we didn't take any pictures.
Plans got all shuffled around due to a vehicular mishap (not my vehicle, the M's vehicle). This means that I didn't get to see Sabrina, or Adie. :( But Julia did get some much needed sleep, since she didn't take a single nap on Tuesday, and it was kind of nice to be inside with all the cold and rainy weather going on outside. I think Julia was cold for the first time in her life! Much of the day was spent with Grammie. I was also going to meet up with Al and Ada, but alas, there was illness present, and thus it didn't happen. :( But we did talk on the phone, which was nice. I don't call people nearly enough. Meaning ever. But just know that if I'm not calling you very often, you are not alone.
I did get to go to lunch with Karen and her daughter Sarah, which was so much fun. Karen made quite the trek down from Syracuse, and I was so grateful she did. She got to meet Julia, I got to see how much Sarah has grown up, and we got to chat, which was wonderful. Oh, and Panda Express has delicious food.
In the evening we got to visit Amber and Tyler, which was very fun. Amber has a very cute bump going on, and I can't wait for the arrival of her daughter in just a few more weeks!! And you know what I love? I love that I can go months without seeing certain friends, and yet when we get together it's almost like no time has past. I LOVE that. And it kept happening on this trip. I love all my friends. I really lucked out with all of you.
Because I would much rather be visiting Amber, I did not see the American Idol results show, but I hear it was pretty good. Hey Megan, did you tivo it? Can I invite myself over to watch it?
More plans were shuffled today due to ill health (not my health, the Porters' health). This means that I didn't get to see Danielle, or Laneah.
:( This was especially sad because it's been such a long time since we last got together. But I'm hoping that we'll get to play soon, and then Brandon and Clark can be there as well. And I did get to chat with Danielle on the phone, which was nice. Remember that thing I LOVE (see above)? Yeah, it applies here as well. Good times.
I did, however, get to visit my cousin Jana and her new baby boy, Alex. He is awfully cute, and it was fun to see the babies side by side. Oh, and Lynlee is delightful. Such a funny girl! Jana took some pictures of Julia and Alex together. Hopefully I'll get a copy of those :)
And Clark's cousin Katie came to visit with her daughter Hailey. Hailey brought Julia a "baby" of her own, which I thought was so cute. Here's a picture of us all, Hailey is holding Julia's "baby":

It was so fun to see you guys, thanks for coming to visit. I wish we lived closer, because I'm pretty sure we'd be hanging out.
Thursday night we (Dad, Mom, Whitney, Julia, and I) headed down to Provo so that Julia could meet her Auntie Kim and Uncle Patrick. We had a delicious meal, and a delightful visit. Here are Julia and Kim:

adores her Uncle Patrick. She was smiling so big when he was holding her! Here are some shots of her with her new boyfriend:

FridayClark's plane was slightly delayed (something about not having a pilot, like that's a good excuse), but he got in around 1pm. We were both so glad to have Daddy come home! Friday afternoon and evening were spent packing up and heading back to St George so we could be here when everyone trekked to our neck of the woods for Julia's blessing. We did caravan down with the M's, and had dinner together at the Wendy's in Beaver, where I almost lost my cell phone (thank goodness for kind people in this world). And now, this post is far too long and I have a baby to feed. Stay tuned for the weekend update!