Saturday, September 29, 2007

I'm dead. Again.

I was doing so well! Thursday night I yakked. It's been a yak-fest ever since. I want to DIE.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


And now, in 3-D, I present to you:


Monday, September 24, 2007

Sunny, with a hint of autumn

Ahhhh, fall is here! I love it! Today I am wearing long sleeves. That's right, long sleeves. And I actually wore real shoes, with laces and everything! I love flip flops, don't get me wrong, but it's nice when you can wear real shoes without your feet getting sweaty. I finished my book (Steal a Pencil for Me) so I went to the library and got a couple more, including A Wrinkle in Time. It's been a really long time since I last read this book, I was probably in the 7th grade or something. But I remember absolutely loving it. Madeleine L'Engle recently passed away, so there's been a little more buzz about her recently. And in today's paper, I read Ann Cannon's column, and it inspired me to go read that book again. After getting the book, I picked up a package of root beer barrels at the store, grabbed my blanket out of the car, and I was ready to go. I went up to the grassy area at the top of our complex, plopped down on my blanket, and read my book. It felt so nice. 73° weather, slight breeze, root beer barrels, and Madeleine L'Engle. It doesn't get much better than that. Well, Danielle came out and we chatted for a while, that was just as good. Really, it's the fact that I wasn't sick and I was outside, enjoying myself. Just a way good day.

As a side note, Happy Birthday, Stewart!

The War

So, this weekend was actually really good. No major episodes, I managed to keep lots of food and beverage down. Of course, who knows what today will bring, but as of right now I feel pretty good. Let's hope there are more good days in store for us :)

Last night I watched the first episode of The War by Ken Burns. I'll admit, I fell asleep for maybe 20 minutes somewhere in there, but not because the program wasn't interesting. I was just all snuggly in my PJ's, I had a warm blanket over me, and a cool breeze coming through the window. Conditions were perfect for a small nap. Anyway, it was very well done, I really enjoyed watching it. It made me realize just how many WWII stories there are out there. Everyone who lived through the period has a story, whether they were on the front lines or the home front. It was a war that affected every person in the world in a very personal way. My heart especially went out to the Japanese-Americans who were rounded up and sent to concentration camps. To hear these people tell about how they felt like they had no country, they were citizens of nowhere, it just broke my heart. Episode 2 is tonight. A small part of me would rather watch Heroes, but I feel like this documentary is just more important. Too important to miss. And I'm pretty sure I can watch Heroes online in a day or so.

Now, if The War was on during The Office, that'd be another story. Good thing it plays Sunday-Wednesday.

Weekly Quote 9/24/07

"Wake me up when September ends. . ." Green Day says it best. I thought it was rather appropriate, since I am counting the days to October, when I'll hopefully feel better. New quote up!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Weight Loss

Today I weigh 122 lbs. For the last 10 years I've weighed about 135-140 lbs; it's fluctuated some, but I've stayed pretty well within that 5 lb range. 122. Unbelievable.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

New Page Element

I have added a "Pregnancy Ticker" at the bottom of the blog, in case anyone is interested. Also, I had an ultrasound today, everything looks normal, the baby is healthy, and I'll post the pictures as soon as we can scan them.

Weekly Quote 9/17/07

"Oh, Life is waiting for you
So messed up, but we're alive
Oh, Life is waiting for you
So messed up, but we'll survive"

Ah, gotta love the words of Our Lady Peace in their hit song Life. New quote up (better late than never)!

Are we there yet?

It's been a little while since I posted. I had 5 (5!) good days in a row! It was marvelous! Then Sunday night hit. From Sunday night until, well, pretty much this morning I've been feeling absolutely rotten. Lots of throwing up, lots of feeling like I'm going to throw up, nothing staying down. It's been bad. My body gets kind of out of control once I start the yakking. It just won't stop. And I get all worked up emotionally, which just makes it worse. Last night I had quite the meltdown. Poor Clark :(

But today has already started out to be a better day. I just hope it stays that way. I really can't afford to loose any more weight, I'm already lower than my high school weight. I guess most people would be rejoicing over that, but trust me, this is NOT the way to loose weight.

On a completely unrelated note, we slept with the windows open Monday night. And our house actually got cold! It was great. Fall is finally coming to St George! Or at least late summer - high of 90° today.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Tic Tac Toe

I just had to post how happy I am that this is the 3rd day in a row that I haven't been puking. YAY! I still don't feel 100%, and I have to be careful with what I eat and how much I do, but even if I just lay around, as long as I keep food/fluids down, that's all that matters.

I've been watching a lot of Law and Order lately. The other day I was just going to watch 1 episode, but it was one of those "To Be Continued" shows, so I watched the next one. And then that one was "To Be Continued" as well. It ended up being like 4 episodes in a row that were all connected to each other. I had to see it through, see if they convicted the killer! And that got me hooked. Lame, I know.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Doctor's Visit 9/11/07

Look at me, I'm a posting fiend now that the secret is out! I went to the doctor today, he said everything is fine, my heart sounds good, we heard the baby's heartbeat, it's all good. I just realized that some of my readers might need a little explanation as to why I mentioned that my heart sounds good. It's a complicated story, I'll try to shorten it as much as possible.

When I was 9, I got rheumatic fever. It was not a pleasant experience, lots of doctors visits and medications to decrease the swelling in my heart, and I was out of school for about 4 months. As a result, I have a heart murmur. It actually hasn't affected my life much at all for the last 15 years, I had regular check-ups with my pediatric cardiologist until I was 18, and then I was told I should go to an adult cardiologist every 3 years or so. And that is it. I just go, they check it out, no big deal. Well, I came due for an appointment this year, so I went in to the cardiologist here in St George in April, Dr. Chander is his name. Very nice man. He checked everything out, and said my heart was a little bit weaker than he would like. He prescribed some medication, and that was that.

Then my OBGYN got the cardiology report back. You see, we had been trying to conceive for 2 years, and we were doing some infertility treatments. He called me in and said, "Well, this doesn't look good for pregnancy. You should just adopt instead." Talk about a change in plans! And so we decided to follow his advice, and we looked into adoption. Lo and behold, one month later, BAM, Baby Blockburger decides to come into our lives. We were a bit surprised. But in a good way. Anyway, I am a high risk pregnancy, and I've got all sorts of doctors. Dr. Gonzales is the Maternal/Fetal Medicine doctor, Dr. Fagnant is my OB (he's the man I get to see once a week for check-ups), and Dr. Chander is my cardiologist. And Dr. Astle is my regular OBGYN, but he decided that his office wasn't well equipped for my pregnancy, so he turned all care over to the other guys.

So there you go. And that was the short version! Things look good right now, the heart shouldn't be an issue until later in pregnancy, when I have all this extra blood pumping through my system. The big issue right now is dehydration, so we're trying to get that under control. Wow, this is a mother of a post already, so I'm going to finish up. I think most of you already knew all this, but I just wanted to make sure that we didn't have anyone in the dark.

A Good Day

Today is a miracle day. At least thus far. I haven't thrown up at all, and I actually feel pretty decent. We're not going to jump right to good, but I'm doing alright. I even had a bowl of Special K for breakfast (thanks to Steve for the suggestion), and I haven't had "breakfast" in weeks. Maybe I'm just destined to have 3 awful days and then 1 good day. And while that isn't very fun, at least I've got the 1 good day in there. I go to the doctor today. I'll let you know how it goes.

Monday, September 10, 2007

I want this to be over!

I seriously don't know how anyone does this pregnancy thing.

Granted, I think I've got a lot more nausea and vomiting than most people I know. But seriously, this is awful. I just puke and puke and puke. I tried vitamin B6 and unisom. Didn't really work. Tried some phenigrin. Couldn't keep it down. Got the phenigrin in suppository form. That worked for like a week and a half, and then it just stopped working. So I got some Zofran, but it was in pill form, so again, I couldn't keep it down. I got Zofran that dissolves in your mouth. Didn't work yesterday. I just puked and puked and puked. I've been to the ER 3 times now for IV's. I've lost 10 pounds. I woke up every hour last night feeling nausea. I didn't necessarily vomit, but I sure couldn't sleep. I've got bruises down my arm from leaning it on the toilet. I've got bruises on my legs from kneeling on the bathroom floor. I guess you could say I'm about at my wits end.

That was quite the rant. But seriously, I just don't know what to do. And I feel like there is not really anything left for the doctors to do, I've got all the anti-nausea drugs they make. I just hope this is limited to the first trimester, and I'm not one of those lucky few who feel sick the whole 9 months.

Weekly Quote 9/10/07

"Would you like to ride in my beautiful balloooon?" This quote is from Strong Bad says it on one of the home pages. I thought it was funny. New quote up!

Sunday, September 09, 2007

The Truth

This is the real reason I've been sick.

This is the baby at 6 weeks. I'm at 9 weeks now. I guess it's still kinda early to be announcing, but oh well. I figure the profuse amount of vomiting tells me that things are going well. And I heard the heartbeat last week!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

An interesting piece of mail. . .

I am on the Tai Pan Trading mailing list, which means that I always get the ads, even though I don't go to the store very often. I love that store, it's one of the few stores I can wander around in for a long time and not get bored. So many cute things! And it's affordable, which is great. Anyway, I always get the ads, and I think to myself, ah, I need to go there next time I'm in SLC.

Well, I got an ad on Saturday, and it says:

Opening Fall 2007
Exit 10, Behind Costco

I cannot even tell you how much this made my day. Clark and I even went for a drive around Costco to see if we could find the building, but alas, we could not. I kind of get the impression that they are still building it. We shall see. I was just very excited to have a Tai Pan coming my way!

Weekly Quote 9/3/07

" Oh somebody kill me please!
Somebody kill me plee-ase!
I'm on my knees,
pretty pretty please kill me!

I want to die!
Put a bullet in my head!"

Such a good one. Love The Wedding Singer. New quote up!