After the random assortment of thoughts I just posted, here is a random assortment of pictures!
First day of school, take 1 (in Michigan):
First day of school, take 2 (In Illinois):
Ella wanted her picture too, and who can resist that face?
We pulled out some taffy Aunt Kim sent us ages ago, and had a great time pulling it (and eating it). Ella was less than impressed.
We went through quite the building phase a few weeks ago. Legos were out every day. Even the blocks made a reappearance, after being tucked away for probably a year. Here we have a city, created by all of us. It includes a U for Utah, the tabernacle, Dow Gardens, and the Fox River. It appears to be a conglomerate city, adding components of Utah and Illinois and Michigan. Sounds like a great place to live!
The Cosley Zoo (a small children's zoo a short drive from our house) had a pumpkin patch section. There were pumpkins for purchase (we opted out), and all your typical pumpkin patch stuff. Including a cut-out for pictures, a miniature corn maze, and hay bales. What a great way to end our trip to the zoo!
Here are my Halloweenies! Ella is Cinderella, and Julia is a black cat.
And I'm a witch. Complete with a "wart" on my chin! (or really just a zit [I thought I was supposed to be done with zits in my 30s])
And finally, the pumpkins. The girls put their orders in, and Clark did all the carving. Most of it after they went to bed. Family togetherness!
Sweet Valentines
2 days ago