Sunday, December 25, 2016

Light the World Day 25: Jesus's Disciples Followed Him and So Can We

You can find more information here.

It's Christmas Day!  The most wonderful day of the entire year!  We spent the day enjoying presents, going to church (and providing just about all the music), and spending time with friends.  And, of course, being grateful for the gift of the Savior. 

I have thoroughly enjoyed this Light the World challenge.  I love a list, and I love checking things off a list.  But more than that, I have enjoyed finding concrete ways to bring light to the world, and to emulate Jesus Christ.  I am grateful for the example he gave us in his perfect life, as well as the gift of the Atonement that allows us to return home again. 

I've been looking over last year's resolutions, assessing how things have gone, and planning my focus for next year.  In so doing, I've been thinking a lot about the things I've done this past month.  What can I change in my life to become more like Jesus Christ?  I mentioned earlier that I started a gratitude journal back up.  I think finding the little things to be grateful for in everyday life is a wonderful way to remember our Heavenly Father and all the gifts He has given us, including the gift of His Son.  So that is what I intend to do this year, to keep a gratitude journal in an attempt to allow more joy to flow into my life.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Light the World Day 24: Jesus Cared for His Loved Ones and So Can You

You can find more information here.

Tonight at our Christmas Eve feast we went around the table and spent a few minutes discussing the things we love about each other.  The gratitude I feel for this little family of mine is immense.  To think there was a time in life when I wasn't sure we would have any kids, let alone two!  These two girls bring me so much joy.  Their personalities are so different, and they each add so much to our family dynamic.  Plus, I hit the jackpot in the marriage department.  Clark is my match in every way.  We were MFEO.  (Made for each other.  It's like a little clue.)  As I looked around the table at these wonderful people, I was overcome with love and happiness.  This really is what life is all about. 

Friday, December 23, 2016

Light the World Day 23: Jesus Was a Peacemaker and You Can Be One Too

You can find more information here.

I turned on some Jim Brickman this afternoon to add some calm to our crazy house.  It happened to be while the girls were playing one of their intense pretend games in the living room.  I was all geared up to be an amazing referee (as opposed to the usual crazy yelling referee) for the inevitable fight my girls were going to have.  An entire week off school already?  They were destined to have a fight.  And I was prepared to stay calm, work toward resolution, and be a peacemaker. 

Then they never fought. I expected it all day, and they didn't fight ONE SINGLE TIME.

Maybe it was the Jim Brickman.  Maybe they could sense my calm and let it rub off of them.  Either way, we had a day of no fighting, and it was glorious.  And you'd better believe we are listening to Jim again today.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Light the World Day 22: Jesus Showed Gratitude and So Can You

You can get more information here.

A few years ago (I guess it's been almost 4, yikes), I decided to keep a gratitude journal for a year.  I loved the entire experience, especially as it got me through Clark's 8 months of unemployment and our move to Illinois with a more grateful heart.  I've decided to do it again. 

Today we went to the Christkindlemarket over in Naperville.  Prior to piling into the car, I think every single person in our family had a grumpy meltdown.  Just the thing to add to the Christmas spirit!  On the way over everyone cooled off a bit, and I kept thinking, "Must be grateful, not whiny; must be grateful, not whiny..."  This could easily have gone a different way as the experience unfolded.  The group behind us in the shuffling crowd was full of f-bombs, which is not my cup of tea, and certainly not something I want my KIDS hearing.  So I kept talking to Ella, distracting her from the language going on behind us.  Then they followed us into the market.  Then we stopped so they could pass us.  Then THEY stopped right where we did.  We finally got them off our tail by walking away from the beerstein haus. 

Now, maybe I'm doing this all wrong, but here is what I think about Christkindlemarkets: You can go get overpriced food, or drink lots of beer, or buy expensive German things.  Those are your options.  I am a cheapskate who doesn't drink, so....we walked around for a bit, saw the pretty lights, smelled lots of beer, and then left.  This doesn't sound grateful, does it?  But I promise, we had a good time!  The lights were very lovely, it was fun being out in the crisp (but not below zero) weather, and we did end up buying two small ornaments for our tree.  But you can see how this experience could have gone either way.  I'm so glad I decided to have a grateful heart instead of a grumpy one - consciously making that decision made all the difference on how the night went.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Light the World Day 21: Jesus Forgave Others and So Can You

You can find more information here.

I have only un-followed two people on Facebook ever.  I took the opportunity to re-follow one of them today.  Did they even know I had un-followed them?  No.  Will I un-follow them again next week?  Maybe.  But I'm willing to give it another shot, see what happens.  It's a small thing, but it's something.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Light the World Day 20: Jesus Saw Potential in Others and So Can You

You can find more information here.

Today I read this talk by Elder Scott, and tried my best to help my girls see their potential.  I took every opportunity to compliment their behavior and to point out their good qualities.  Maybe they didn't notice it, but I loved focusing on all the goodness they have within them.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Light the World Day 19: Jesus Calmed the Storm and So Can You

You can find more information here.

I didn't find any opportunities to calm the storm myself today (the mountains of laundry kept me at bay), but I did make the time to watch this video about the Mormon Helping Hands assisting those affected by Hurricane Sandy a few years ago, and it filled me with faith in humanity.  There are people out there willing to help when disaster strikes, and I hope I'd number myself as one of them if faced with a similar situation.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Light the World Day 18: Jesus Honored the Sabbath and So Can You

You can find more information here.

Sundays are generally about the same around here.  And while I don't always find them to be a day of "rest," I do always find them to be restorative.  Sunday is the day I am spiritually fed, the day I refocus my perspective and remember who I am and why I'm here.  It's the day I renew my baptismal covenant by partaking of the sacrament, and in so doing recommit myself to trying a little hard to live a little better. 

This Sunday was also our stake's (multi-congregational group) annual Christmas Singalong Concert, which is one of my favorite nights of the year.  We have spent weeks practicing, and tonight we gathered together to sing Christmas carols and celebrate the birth of our Savior in song.  And again, my spirit was fed.  What a wonderful way to honor the Sabbath.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Light the World Day 17: Jesus Cared for His Mother and So Can You

You can find more information here.

Our thoughts turned to Clark's mother today.  She passed away when Clark was only 3, so he really has no memory of her.  But she left behind (among other things) a recording of her personal history.  As we drove to and from the zoo (about an hour each way) we listened to her voice telling her stories.  The girls loved to hear Grandma Diane talk about her life as a young child, especially when she talked about grade school.  There were so many things they could relate to - having church friends and school friends, getting glasses, only having one sister.  Ella tells me her favorite thing was hearing her voice, which absolutely melts my heart.  What a treasure we have in these recordings, and what a perfect way to honor Clark's mother by sharing her life with her grandchildren.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Light the World Day 16: Jesus Showed Compassion and So Can You

You can find more information here.

I like to think my level of compassion runs high.  I grieve with those who grieve, whether I know them or not.  I want so much to spread love across the world to help heal the pain and suffering found everywhere.  But sometimes I get stuck when it comes time to act on that compassion.  It can be hard to know what to DO.  

Today we donated to a local charitable cause.  It was the best thing we could DO for this specific cause, and I only hope it makes a difference on a personal level.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Light the World Day 15: Jesus Worshipped Through Song and So Can You

You can find more information here.

One of today's challenges is to "Share your favorite performance of a Christmas hymn on social media."  I posted this version of O Holy Night on Facebook, because I love it.  But the truth is, I don't have a favorite Christmas hymn.  I CAN'T have a favorite Christmas hymn.  That's like asking me which child I like best, I simply cannot pick one of another.  I do have some I love more than others (unlike my children), but I love them all.  I thought about listing the songs I love most, and I ended up listing everything in my hymnbook, plus some that aren't.  Perhaps my favorite performance is the one I am participating in at that moment.  I love to sing hymns of praise, and especially hymns that focus on our Savior's birth. 

I also spent a large chunk of the day listening to The Messiah as I was running errands and doing housework.  How I love that great work! We are singing some selections from it at our upcoming Stake Christmas Singalong concert, and very few things give me more joy.  Especially the Hallelujah chorus.  To be in a choir, singing Hallelujah, is what I imagine it will be like in heaven when we praise God. 

This is all to say, I love music. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Light the World Day 14: Jesus Taught Us to Clothe the Naked and You Can Help

You can find more information here.

You guys, there is bad news coming out of Aleppo today.  Horrific news.  So much suffering, so much death.  I heard about Preemptive Love via Facebook, and I immediately donated.  I normally don't donate online, like ever.  I waffle about whether or not to donate, decide to wait on it, and then forget.  But the news out of Syria is crushing my heart, and I have to do SOMETHING.  So I donated.  It's small, but it's something.  $30 provides sleeping bags for 2 people.  It's not clothes, but it's something to keep them warm, and I'm certain it falls under the umbrella of helping others who have nothing.  If you feel that same call to action I did, here is the link:

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Light the World Day 13: Jesus Showed Humility and So Can You

You can find more information here.

Due to Julia's illness on Monday, we opted to have Family Home Evening tonight instead.  I had the lesson, and it was the perfect opportunity to talk about humility, define what it is, and share my own experiences in relying on God.  I told my family how much I depend on my Heavenly Father during times of turmoil and change, for example, when we moved from Utah to Michigan.  That was a big, scary leap into the unknown, and the first few months were difficult emotionally.  We moved in October, which meant we immediately had our first Thanksgiving and Christmas away from home, in a place where we knew no one before coming.  More than one night, I was questioning what we were even doing there.  But then I would remember (or be reminded, more likely) that God has a plan for my life, He had placed us there, and everything would work out.  He was right.  It did work out.  And I am so grateful for the time we spent in Michigan, it changed me for the better.  Among other things, it taught me to be humble and accept God's will for our family.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Light the Wolrd Day 12: Jesus Taught Others and So Can You

You can find more information here.

This morning started with a whimper.  Julia woke up, hobbled down the stairs whimpering, and announced that her head hurt, her throat hurt, and her stomach hurt.  A quick touch to her skin revealed a raging fever.  Then the throwing up began.  It was a rough day, poor girl.

When Ella got home from school, Julia was napping, so she didn't have her usual playmate.  This meant she followed me around for most of the evening, looking for something to do.  If you haven't spent much time with our family lately, you might not know this: Ella is a talker.  She talks and talks and talks.  She afraid to be alone, and won't go upstairs (or downstairs) without someone else. She's a mover and a shaker and likes to be busy, but needs people around her at all times.  So this meant she followed me into the kitchen, and asked to help with the dishes.  I was thrilled that she was interested in helping, so I took some time to teach her how to rinse the soap off and the best way to stack the clean dishes.  It would have been faster to do it myself, but I saw the moment as a teaching opportunity and jumped.

Later that night, Julia was awake and the whimpering had resumed.  After a bit of prodding, she finally agreed to have a blessing.  We talked with the girls about the priesthood, what it is and what it can do.  Again, I saw a teaching moment, this time with a more spiritual topic, and jumped. 

Teaching moments come often, but I'm not sure I always recognize them for what they are.  And I'm certain there are times when I let them pass by in favor of rushing through and getting things done.  Today reminded me to slow down and let the teaching happen.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Light the World Day 11: Jesus Ministered to Children and So Can You

You can find more information here.

When I saw this challenge, I thought to myself, "This will be cake.  I'm around kids all day!"  But as I considered it a bit more, I realized that the point of this whole initiative is to become more like Christ, to actually exact change in your life and the lives of others, not to check items off a list.  So I decided that rather than just be a parent today, I would try to be actively involved with my girls, that I would focus on them, that I would listen when they were talking and be present when we were together. 

The morning consisted of the usual mad rush to get ready for church.  I'm well aware that there should not be a mad rush to get ready since our church doesn't start until 1:00, but there always is.  We spend about an hour lazing about, and then we have to get everyone showered and dressed and fed so we can be out the door by 11:45 - choir practice starts at noon.  We also have been involved with the stake choir, which means heading straight to the stake center from the church, practicing for 2 hours, and coming home by about 7:30.  This means we have to pack a dinner to eat while we drive, another component of the morning routine.  This is all to say, I didn't do a great job of focusing on my kids in the morning.

Then there was church, where I did take Ella to the bathroom once (we have lived here for 3 years, she can't be serious when she says she doesn't know where the bathroom is, so I had to roll my eyes at that one), but other than that I didn't really see my kids.  I played the organ for Sacrament Meeting, then they headed off to their classes for Primary. I didn't really focus on them, now did I?

I really tried to be present on the ride over to the stake center, but between the heavy snow distracting me and being the food dispenser, I'm not sure I was entirely successful. And during choir practice itself, the girls are left to their own devices while we sing. Again, more time spent without paying attention to my children.

But then, in the middle of choir practice, Ella made her way to the choir seats and with tears in her eyes explained that she had lost her hair clip.  My first thought was, "Dang it."  My second thought was, "This is where you show her she is more important than choir practice.  Go look for it." 

So I did.  We walked up and down the halls of the building, tracing her every step.  We looked in the bathroom.  We looked on the stage.  We looked by the drinking fountain.  No luck.  I put on my coat and looked for that white flower clip in the snow up and down the sidewalks.  No luck.  I spent a good 15 minutes looking for that clip.  I didn't find it, but I could tell that Ella was heartened that I would try.  In the end, I told her it was possible it was in the car (I didn't have the keys on me), or it was in our church building.  I promised her I would go look for it the next day. 

In the end it was in the car, we found it on our way home, but the location of the clip is not really the important part of the story.  The important part is this: I found a way to show my child that she is more important than all the other things I have going on.  Even when what she needs is a fruitless search for an inexpensive hair clip, that takes precedence over all my other commitments.  I often tell my girls that they are the most important things in my life, but it means so much more when I have the opportunity to show them I mean it. 

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Light the World Day 10: Jesus Helped People To Walk and So Can You

You can find more information here.

I felt like this challenge was a little harder to participate in.  I watched this video about the LDS Charities wheelchair initiative, and this video about an amputee who has continued to live a full, nearly normal life.  I felt inspired by both of these videos, in that they both showed how people who have limited mobility don't have to live a lesser life.  I am in awe of the technology available to assist the handicapped.  And I'm grateful that I currently have full mobility.

Kind of a simple day in this challenge, but a good one nonetheless.

Friday, December 09, 2016

Light the World Day 9: Jesus Visited the Lonely and So Can You

You can find more information here.

I really wanted to find a way to actually go and visit the lonely today, but other things pressed on my time, and the day slipped away from me.  Tonight I took the time to read this message, which filled my heart and nudged me to spend more time praying for those who are lonely.  And to pray that I might recognize loneliness and take action where appropriate. 

Thursday, December 08, 2016

Light the World Day 7: Jesus Fed the Hungry and So Can You

You can find more information here.

Again, I switched 7 and 8.  Today Julia's girl scout troop went to Feed My Starving Children, a "Christian non-profit that provides nutritionally complete meals specifically formulated for malnourished children."  I got to come along, and it fit so well with today's challenge to feed the hungry.  We worked together for a little over an hour, packing and boxing meals.  Because we were with friends, the time flew by.  On our way out the door, Julia said, "Mom, I want to do this again!"  We will definitely be going back.

I am so grateful that we have enough food to feed our family.  I'm grateful there is an organization dedicating to feeding hungry children in my area.  I'm grateful I got to go and share this experience with my sweet daughter.   Lots of gratitude flowing over here.

Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Light the World Day 8: Jesus Prayed for Others and So Can You

You can find more information here.

Due to a previously scheduled trip to Feed My Starving Children tomorrow, I pulled a switcheroo and did #8 today.  I listened to Elder Nelson's talk about prayer while doing the dishes (this is the only way the dishes get done, if I'm distracted enough to tolerate it).  Directly afterwards, I did my regular scripture study, tacking on some extra time to read about prayer.  Here is what I took away from it: I need to pray more often, and more sincerely. I have a testimony of the power of prayer, but sometimes I forget just how specific and personal my prayers can and should be.  Today I resolve to spend more time on my knees, speaking with my Heavenly Father.

Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Light the World Day 6: Jesus Read the Scriptures and So Can You

You can find more information here.

Before my regular scripture reading, I spent a little bit of time flipping through my scriptures, reading various passages I have marked, remembering times in my life when they felt particularly poignant.  Let me share a few.

  • When Clark was unemployed, I really struggled to understand what God's plan was for our family.  I had grown to love our little town in Michigan, and the thought of leaving was weighing on me heavily, along with the massive amount of uncertainty in our every day life.  We were fairly certain that Clark's next job would not be in Michigan, but we had no idea when that next job might come along.  I struggled with living daily life, knowing that we would probably be moving in the near future.  What was the point of cultivating these relationships, or being "all in" if we were going to up and leave on 2 weeks notice?  But then in my regular scripture reading, I turned to D&C 51:16-17, which says, "And I consecrate unto them this land for a little season, until I, the Lord, shall provide for them otherwise, and command them to go hence; And the hour and the day is not given unto them, wherefore let them act upon this land as for years, and this shall turn unto them for their good."  I read those words, "act upon this land as for years," and knew that while we were aware of the forthcoming changes in our lives, we needed to be fully invested in our lives where we were.  God had a plan, and our job was to live where he placed us, and by live I mean be present, cultivate relationships, plant roots, and not think about the future too much.  That scripture carried me through the next 8 months of waiting, and gave me a much brighter outlook on life.
  • Last year I was reading through the book of Ether (in the Book of Mormon) and I came across what is a very well-known and loved scripture, chapter 12 verse 27: "And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness.  I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them."  I know I have read that verse a hundred times, but this time, it was like I finally GOT it.  It was an ah-ha moment, a light bulb went off, pick your metaphor.  This verse is about the Atonement!  We are imperfect.  But if we come unto Christ and use His Atonement, and have faith that His power is real and can help us, He will make weak things become strong.  And then, because we knew exactly how weak we were before, and can see how strong we have become, we will know that the only way this could have happened was through that Atonement.  And thus our faith becomes knowledge, and our trust in Christ increases.  These two things are the miracles of the Atonement: that we can be changed through Christ, and that we can recognize the power that changes us. I'm sure others have long ago recognized the beauty of this verse, but reading it last year I internalized it and it became so personal to me.  Lesson learned: keep reading the scriptures.  Old verses can have new meaning.
  • It's no secret that music is a big part of my life, and whenever I come across scriptures that have been made into songs, I love them all the more.  This is particularly true for the scriptures used in The Messiah.  This year I went through my scriptures and marked them all.  I love to flip through and find all the spots that say, "The Messiah," and then sing the words in my head.  But my very favorite scriptures used in that work are found in Isaiah 53: "Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows; yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.  But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed."  What a poetic description of what our Savior has done for us.  "With his stripes we are healed."  Beautiful.

I could share so many scriptures that have touched my heart, but I will end with this.  From time to time dear friends have shared their favorite scriptures with me, and I have made a note of this in the margin next to the scripture.  I delight in seeing those names associated with those scriptures.  The scripture sent in a letter from a friend on a mission.  The scriptures of fellow leaders in the Young Women program, shared at girls camp.  I love, love, love these scriptures, because they remind me of these wonderful people whose testimonies have touched my life.  There aren't many of them, though.  So I leave with this request: My dear family and friends, if you have a favorite scripture, would you share it with me?  Because I would love to have your name in my book. 

Monday, December 05, 2016

Light the World Day 5: Jesus Healed the Sick and So Can You

You can find more information here.

I read through the suggestions on of how I can help provide comfort and love to those struggling with physical ailments, and it felt like none of the options were really viable.  I'm already an organ donor.  I can't give blood.  My plate is too full to add in volunteering at a hospital.  And while I firmly believe in the power of prayer, I wanted to actually take action, to DO something, and to do it today.  Then I hit on just the right thing.  I pulled out the tape measure to make sure I had enough length, and then headed over to Great Clips and chopped those locks right off.  Tomorrow they are being shipped off to be made into a wig for someone with cancer.  And I get a kicky new haircut, so win-win.

Sunday, December 04, 2016

Light the World Day 4: Jesus Worshipped His Father and So Can You

You can find more information here.

Today we went to church, as we usually do on Sundays.  We sang with our ward choir, partook of the sacrament, bore testimony (or just listened), discussed gospel principles, and sang with the stake choir.  It was a full, happy Sabbath.

Saturday, December 03, 2016

Light of the World Day 3: Jesus Helped Others to See and So Can You

You can find more information here

I read John 9 today (about Jesus healing a blind man and all the flack the now-seeing man gets from the Pharisees for it), and thought about how we can help others to see.  I had this great vision that we would go around the dinner table as a family and share one good trait about each person, helping them to see themselves more clearly.

Instead we ate at Wendy's because no one wanted to do the dishes.  In the car on the way there I started telling Ella how helpful she has been lately, but was met with, "I'm getting bored."  So then we had a bored Ella and a grumpy Shannon.  Julia tried her best to smooth things over (one of her good traits), but Bored and Grumpy overrode her.  That was the last we talked about how we see each other.  My mothering skills just can't be beat.

But I did read that scripture.  And thought about blind people.  So I guess the day wasn't a total wash.

Friday, December 02, 2016

Light the World Day 2: Jesus Honored His Parents and So Can You

You can find more information here

It took me until the end of the day, but I did call my parents today.  I let the girls talk to them too, something we haven't done for a while.  I have to say, I have the best parents ever.  They have always been, and will always be, incredibly supportive of me.  I'll never forget the day I was having a meltdown over what to do with my life (because I was a sophomore and hadn't picked a major yet [ah, youth]), and my wonderful parents came right on down to BYU, took me out to lunch, and talked it out with me.  They told me things they thought I was good at, and asked questions about what I enjoyed doing.  They helped me talk through all the options I was looking at and make a decision.  And I felt so loved that they would take the time to come do that.  But they do stuff like this all the time.  If I ever have a major life change, I know I can talk to them and get the best set of listening ears, along with some great advice, yet without them telling me what to do.  They are wonderful.  Plus, they are just about the most kind people you will ever meet.  And brilliant.  I'm pretty sure my mom knows everything.  I want to be just like her when I grow up.

I also took some time during the day to start reading letters my grandparents wrote to each other during WWII.  It is delightful to read their voices as young people.  They are still themselves (a personality like my grandmother's doesn't just pop up one day), but they are younger, less experienced, and even, dare I say, goofier.  Here's a joke my grandpa wrote: "Did you know they have a new use for holes in doughnuts. They use them to stuff macaroni with."  WHAT IS THAT JOKE.  I'll tell you what it is, it's something a 19-year-old boy would say.  My grandpa wasn't always a quiet old man, he used to be a goofy 19-year-old boy!  Quite the revelation.

I've always loved watching a love story unfold, and to read about theirs gives me even more warm fuzzies.  I've also always loved reading about WWII, and to read about them living through that time is fascinating.  It makes me feel so grateful that these letters survived, that my wonderful mom (referenced above) has taken the time to type them up, and that I have the time to read them.  I love and honor my parents and my grandparents.

Thursday, December 01, 2016

Light the World Day 1: Jesus Lifted Others' Burdens and So Can You

You can find more information here.

As a family we read Matthew 11:28-30 and talked about how Jesus makes our burdens lighter (even though the burden is often still there).  It made me think about times of crisis I've experienced, and how often the crisis continued on for days, or weeks, or months, or years, but I was able to find moments of peace, the reassurance of God's love for me and His plan for my life, and strength from those wonderful people who were put in my path to help me.  Truly my Savior has lifted my burdens and allowed me to find rest in my soul.

One of the women I visit teach was in need of some clothes for her kids.  I put out the call on social media, and collected bags and bags of hand me downs for her.  Today I delivered the last 2 bags.  I hadn't planned this in conjunction with the Light the World initiative, but it worked out that this small, culminating task lined up with this day.  I have been in awe that we were able to procure exactly the sizes needed, just through used clothes sitting in homes waiting to be donated to Goodwill.  I love it when I get to see glimpses of how we are all connected and God uses us to help His children. 

Light the World

This year the church has released a Christmas initiative called Light the World.  It's 25 ways (over 25 days) that we can follow our Savior's example and bring His light to the world.  You can find the calendar (and video) at

I love this idea.  So much.  I can't think of a more perfect way to celebrate this season than to emulate Jesus Christ and show love for our fellow man. I've taken this challenge to heart, and I thought I'd write about what we do each day.  So gear up, I'm dusting off Ye Olde Blogge to share how we are lighting the world in our little corner of it.

Tuesday, November 08, 2016


Today is Election Day.

The past year (or longer) has been spent watching politicians throw muck at each other, spewing hate from their mouths, generally causing anxiety and pandemonium throughout the country.  I think everyone is ready for this election cycle to BE OVER ALREADY.  And today is the day it all ends.  (We hope.)  Today is a sigh of relief.

But even with all the garbage going on with the presidential election, I can't help getting a little teary eyed on Election Day (and not because I am grieved by the choices we've made to get us here).  Today we have the opportunity to exercise our right to vote.  Every citizen is allowed to head to the polls, cast their ballot, and have a say in who governs them.  Even when it's on a national level and your vote seems like a drop in the ocean, you get to cast your vote.  More especially on a local level, you have a say in how things are run.  Today we are a part of something bigger than ourselves, we get to come together as different people with different ideals and be Americans.  It's beautiful, really.

This morning, after the school bus pulled away, I grabbed my umbrella and walked through the light drizzle over to the Hilton Garden Inn (yes, we vote in a hotel).  On my walk I thought about suffragettes and the Revolutionary War and my forefathers and my sweet grandfather manning the polls every year and my wonderful, wonderful country.  I followed the red arrows, waited a few minutes in line, got my ballot, and voted.

So yes, I'm glad this election is almost over, and I worry quite a bit about the direction our future leadership might take us, but today I am filled with patriotism, because today I voted.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Family Home Evening

On Sunday we had a lesson about preserving and protecting the family in Relief Society, and it occurred to me that we have become lax in holding regular family home evenings.  (For non-Mormon folk, we have been advised to meet weekly as a family to have a spiritual lesson/discussion, and spend time together as a family.  Monday nights are traditionally set aside for this.)  So I made an announcement Sunday night that we would be getting back on the FHE wagon.  My announcement was met with enthusiastic response, and Ella immediately rotated the FHE chart and informed everyone what their job was (hers was the lesson).  Monday morning, I mentioned again that we were having FHE, and reminded everyone of their jobs (in particular, I reminded Ella she had the lesson).  After school I again reminded the girls about FHE, and specifically asked Ella if she needed help preparing a lesson.  She said nope, she had a lesson all ready.

A few hours later, FHE starts.  We sing a song, say a prayer, talk about things going on this week, and then it's time for the lesson.  Ella stands up, walks to the front of the living room, and says, "Oh, no, I'm not prepared."

Cue tears. 

She is seriously standing there, open mouth cry, wailing that she wasn't prepared and everything is ruined.  I tried to understand how she could claim to be "all set" at 4 and "unprepared" at 7, but I never quite got a clear picture of what was going on in her head. It was very sad, and yet very confusing for the rest of us.

I feel like there is a life lesson here, something about if you are prepared, you need not fear (or bawl your eyes out), or even that we shouldn't kid ourselves into thinking we are prepared when we aren't.  Or maybe the lesson is that kids are weird and nagging doesn't work.  I can't tell. 

In the end Dad saved the day by suggesting that we just practice primary songs for the lesson, and she got to go around telling us all to sing louder.  (Note: I don't know most of the words to these songs they are learning, so there was a lot of loud mumbling from my corner.)  So maybe the real lesson should be: Dads are great.  They will bail you out when you are in trouble.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Advice for the College-Bound

When we first moved to Illinois, I was assigned to work with the 14-15-year-old girls in our church congregation.  (Mormon speak: I was called to the YW presidency, and worked with the Mia Maids.)  We had this amazing group of girls that I had the pleasure of teaching each week, which in all honesty, probably taught me way more than it taught them.  Flash forward to this week, and these girls are all grown up and heading to college!  Having them embark on this exciting new adventure has made me all kinds of reminiscent, remembering what it felt like to leave home for the first time, meet new people, and settle in to adulthood.  And through all the reminiscing I've come up with a bit of advice for how to survive and thrive those few short years at an institution of higher learning.

  1. The first week is going to be rough.  You're in a new place, far from home, and chances are you know almost no one.  If you are an introvert, this is especially draining, as every interaction involves meeting new people.  You will probably feel overwhelmed, and you may even want to quit, move back home, and go to the Jr College down the road from your parents' house (I may have verbally expressed this desire 10 minutes before my mom dropped me off in the fall of 1999).  But after that first week, you will feel like you've got a slew of new best friends, your routine will fall into place, and you'll feel adjusted.  I promise, it only takes about a week.  Tough it out.
  2. You are an adult now, so you can eat ice cream for breakfast!  But you are an adult now, so don't eat ice cream for breakfast.  Or at least not every day.  The Freshman 15 is real.  You've been warned.
  3. College courses are a whole lot different than high school (read: harder), and obviously studying is important, but don't get so caught up in school that you miss out on the social aspect of college.  You are only young once, and someday you'll think it's absurd to stay up until 4am, eating muffins and talking to your roommates.  When you are 19, you can pull an all-nighter.  When you are 35, you just can't.  Don't go overboard, but be young and dumb.
  4. Don't be in such a rush to graduate.  I felt like college was a giant countdown to graduation.  Everyone knows exactly how many semesters it will take them to graduate, and crams classes in to make it happen.  I know I was so ready to be done with homework and studying, and move on to a real job.  But once you graduate, you're done.  That time is over.  And it was one of the best times of my life, so I'm not sure why I was in such a rush.  Give yourself that ninth semester.  Or even tenth.  College lasts only a few years; careers last 30.
  5. Take advantage of all your college has to offer.  Go to dances.  Go to plays (student productions are cheaper - plus you get student admission prices).  Go to concerts.  Go to foreign films.  Take extra classes, just for fun.  I took Intro to Film, which had absolutely nothing to do with my major, nor did it fill any general requirements, but I learned so much, and so enjoyed the class.  
  6. You are going to meet a lot of new people.  You will have friends in your classes, friends in your dorm, friends you meet through other friends.  If you don't feel like you belong in a certain group, keep looking.  Your tribe is out there.  Even if you are a punk rock-loving democrat at BYU, your tribe is out there.  If you are a super-nerd who loves chemistry and Star Trek?  Your tribe is out there.  Find those people who get you, and stick with them.
  7. You'll probably change your major at least once.  Most people don't know what they want to do for the rest of their lives at 18.  Don't stress it.  You'll figure it out in the end.
  8. While we're on the subject of stress, DON'T STRESS.  College is hard.  Dating is hard.   Life is hard.  You are going to make it through, even if you don't always know how.  Sometimes you get bad grades.  It happens.  Do not base your self worth on that C.  C's get degrees, my friends.  Your heart might feel like it's broken beyond repair, but I promise, it will mend.  Time really does heal wounds.  Which leads nicely to may last point,
  9. Be kind.  Give other people the benefit of the doubt.  You really don't know what people are going through, so assume their life is hard, which is likely true.  Always choose kindness.

So there you have it, my advise, for whatever it's worth.  And if you only choose to listen to one of these things?  Let it be the last one.  The world needs more kindness.

Friday, May 27, 2016


I've been meaning to post this for a while.  Obviously, this little blog has been sorely neglected.  But you wanna know why?  Do ya, do ya? 

Because I have been blogging at MY OTHER BLOG!  Bookburger is up and running!

I have a new book review blog, and I love it so much.  I teamed up with my sister Kim to share the books we love.  Reading and writing, all rolled into one beautiful place.  Can you imagine anything more perfect for me? 

So go check it out!  New posts every Friday.  And please, let's all take a moment to appreciate the awesome header picture.  SO CREATIVE, RIGHT?  And just in case you weren't going to go to the About page, let me clue you, there is a downright adorable picture of Kim and me on there.  Seriously, you'll die from the cuteness. 

Just in case you missed it, the url is  Put it in your bookmarks, or recently visited pages, or however the technology works these days.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Walking on Ice

Now that I have no kids at home during the day, one of the things I get to do is go for walks.  I love going for walks.  When the girls were little, I'd pack them up in the stroller just about every warm day and we'd head out for a walk around the neighborhood.  We did this in St George, in Michigan, and even here in Illinois.  We'd walk to parks and let them play.  We packed snacks and games and books to keep them occupied.  I would often go walking with a friend, which, let me clue you, if you want to get to know someone really well, make them your walking buddy.  Something about walking allows you to talk about anything and everything.  When I think back on all the walking buddies I've had, I realize that I'm really naming some of my most treasured friendships.  But I am even happy to go walking alone, I put my earbuds in and listen to my favorite podcasts.  (This American Life, Radiolab, Serial, The Mystery Show, Stuff You Missed in History Class, Invisibilia, and Wait Wait Don't Tell Me, in case you were wondering.)

Julia got too big for walks in strollers a couple years ago (she looked pretty ridiculous huddled into our double stroller), and Ella grew out of them about a year ago.  Handily, Ella was also in preschool about a year ago, so I was able to do my walking while she was at school.  But school was only 3 mornings a week, and sometimes going to the grocery store and taking a shower took precedence over a walk.  The same thing happened this fall, she was in school every day but those 2 1/2 hours flew by so fast, I didn't always get in a walk. 

But now.  Now I can go walking every day.  I most definitely have the time.  And I can even go in the afternoon, when things have warmed up a bit.  There is something so refreshing about being outside, feeling the sun on your face, hearing the birds (even in January!), and knowing that your body is completely functional and you are able to go however far you want.  It's all very freeing. 

This week's walks have been particularly enjoyable.  Why?  Because of the ice.  I know that sounds crazy, but I promise it's not.  Early in the week, we had rain, which then froze overnight.  The sidewalks all had a very thin sheet of ice on them.  Slippery, yes.  But who says slippery has to be bad?  I had such fun "ice skating" down the road!  If I needed a break, I'd walk on the snow covered grass.  But I didn't need many breaks.  I felt like a kid, wearing socks on the wood floors, "skating" everywhere I go. 

And then yesterday the ice started to melt a bit.  Which meant there were little ice sheets along the edges of the sidewalk, just waiting for me to crunch.  There is something strangely satisfying about breaking an ice sheet.  I'm not entirely sure what it is, the feeling of power, the sound of the crunch, the web of cracks left behind by my shoe?  Maybe all of the above.  Today the ice melted even more, which meant more ice sheets to crack.  It also meant the ice on the pond I walk around was even thinner.  It took a lot of will power not to find a big rock to chuck into the middle of that pond.  Oh, I wanted to do it so bad.  But if I look ridiculous skating on sidewalks and smashing the icy edges, think how I'd look chucking rocks into a pond, trying to break the surface.  I am all for finding your inner child, but let's not go overboard.

This is all to say, I'm enjoying my "retirement" from being a mother of small children.  There are times when I am sad to say goodbye to that beautiful yet exhausting phase of life, but mostly I'm excited to be embarking on this new phase, the one where kids are more physically independent (even if we are on the edge of the emotional breakdown known as puberty), and I can go walking every day.

Monday, January 04, 2016

Why Hello, 2016!

2015 was an interesting year.  It had the best of times and the worst of times.  We had a most terrible May, which honestly felt like enough to call the whole year a wash.  But then we had that dreamy summer, which was really pretty incredible.  Between their visits here and our visits there, I saw my parents 5 times this year, and seeing your mom always makes things better.  Clark was a race running fiend (see his blog for more details).  Ella started Kindergarten and learned to read.  Julia read 46,574 pages (I kid you not!), and generally rocked the end of 1st and start of 2nd grades. I think all that wonderfulness makes up for May.

And how did I do?  Well, let's take a look at last year's resolutions, shall we?

  • Read Jesus the Christ.
Once again, I did not read Jesus the Christ.   It's a beast of a book.  And once again, I'm resolving that this will be the year I do it.  I've decided that Sunday morning is the perfect time to read a chapter.  And if I read one chapter each week, I'll be done before the end of the year.  I am a woman with a plan, and I've already read the first 2 chapters (because chapter 1 is the introduction).  Just you watch, 2016, I'll finish this book.
  • Finish my 30 by 30 challenge. 
Once again, I did not finish my 30 by 30 challenge.   I still have those last 4.  I guess we'll continue to put that on the resolutions list.  Maybe this is the year...
  • Go to the temple more.
I am so very happy to say that this actually happened!  I have been to the temple a LOT more than I went in 2014.  Between youth trips and going with friends and going while we were in Utah and a few actual, real deal dates with my husband to the temple, I think I made it at least 7 times, if not more.  It's not every month, but this is way more than I have been since we moved from Utah.  Win.
  • Keep learning Portuguese.
Check!  Duolingo is now a part of my daily routine, and it tells me I am now 50% fluent in Portuguese.  I think it must be the 50% that involves reading and writing, because I really can't SPEAK Portuguese, but we are getting there.  I understand a whole lotta stuff.  Win.
  • Blog more.
Not win.  Obviously.  New year, same goal.
  • Be more present with my kids.  Stop thinking about what we are going to do, and start enjoying what we are doing.
It's hard to measure if I did this or not.  I probably did sometimes, but I'm sure there was plenty of distraction in there.  Thinking back on the Summer of Dreams, I think being present is what made it so dreamy.  So there is that.  I'm calling it a win.
  • Give more.  Be quick to observe needs in others, and meet those needs if I'm able.
Again, this is hard to measure.  And, to be quite honest, this is a constant battle I have.  I am always striving to be the type of person who sees others' needs and just meets them, without a thought.  But I overthink everything, and tend to talk myself out of acting on promptings.  And I often don't see the need in the first place, which is kind of selfish of me.  I think this will be a lifelong struggle for me, but it's one worth fighting.  It's one way I can be more like the Savior, and oh, I want to be more like Him.

So, once again, I'm rolling over some goals.  Read Jesus the Christ.  Finish 30 by 30.  Blog more.  But I am also adding some new ones:

  • Walk 500 miles.
  • Read 12,000 pages.
  • Start my book blog (stay tuned, this one is VERY exciting)
  • Visit Chicago when it's not the dead of winter.  How we live here and have never been in the city in warm weather is beyond me....I'm not even talking "summer," just NOT WINTER. 
Here's to the new year!